Mr. Pequignot’s experience broadly encompasses all aspects of intellectual property counseling and enforcement. In recent years, his work has centered on litigation of intellectual property disputes, but he continues to remain intimately involved in all phases of patent preparation and prosecution. Additional experience includes counseling domestic and international clients in the development of intellectual property programs and portfolios, licensing, opinion preparation, trade secrets, trade dress, and trademark and service mark procurement.
His experience covers a wide range of technical arts including complex mechanical inventions, the electrical engineering arts, fiber optics, chemical based inventions, and software. As examples, this experience includes work pertaining to commercial vehicle axles and suspensions, omni-directional wheel technologies, semi-conductors, automation software, optical coatings, laser cavities, cellular and SMS technologies, laminate and composite flooring products, and methods of doing business.
Mr. Pequignot was first admitted to the state and federal patent bars in 1999. He was awarded his Bachelor of Science degree from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles in 1995 and his Juris Doctor from The George Mason School of Law in Arlington in 1999.
Representative Cases:
Hui Lau Shan Food Manufacturing Inc. v. Ma Ka Wai et al., Central District of California (Los Angeles): Case involving trademark infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, unfair trade practices: Negotiated favorable settlement.
CYI, Inc. v. Lumin Zone and Hing Hung Ricky Fu, Central District of California (Los Angeles): Case involving patent infringement, allegations of trade secret misappropriation.: Successfully obtained Summary Judgment of infringement and certain validity issues; remainder of case still pending.
The Boler Company v. Tuthill (dba Reyco Granning), Southern District of Ohio (Columbus): Pending at the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals.